Lawsuits are being filed against paraquat manufacturers on behalf of those exposed to the herbicide and then developed Parkinson’s disease. The allegations against the makers include failing to warn the government and licensed users about the link between exposure to paraquat and the increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Our firm is actively investigating claims across the country on behalf of those who have been affected.

What You Can Do if You are Affected

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If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after mixing, applying, or being exposed to paraquat, complete the form on this page. One of our team will contact you to start your free evaluation.

How Can a Lawsuit Help?

For the individual, a lawsuit can provide compensation for medical expenses and therapy costs, medications, home renovations, and other measures to improve quality of life. But lawsuits can also hold the manufacturers responsible for their products and create positive change for ag workers everywhere.

The time you have to pursue a claim is limited. Contact us for more information.

Get Help Now.

How Much Does This Cost?

Learning about your rights and how to protect them should never come with a price tag. Speaking with our team does not cost anything, neither does the evaluation.

Our attorneys want to hear from anyone who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s after using or being exposed to paraquat herbicide. We are investigating claims across the country on behalf of farm and ag workers who:

  • entered fields after paraquat was applied, or
  • were exposed to spray drift, or
  • mixed the chemical or filled the spray tanks, and
  • were then diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

If you or a family member were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after exposure to paraquat herbicide, you might be entitled to file a claim for medical bills and other damages.

To learn more about your rights, the alleged injuries paraquat can cause, and whether you are entitled to compensation, fill out the form on this page.

Paraquat Exposure Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Paraquat is often used to control weeds in soybean, corn and other crops, grapes and orchards, pasture, and hayfields, and to defoliate cotton. Researchers have determined that workers exposed to the chemical may face a higher risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. In fact, depending on certain factors, they may face up to 70 to 90 percent higher risk.

Two studies focusing on the Central Valley of California found that exposure to paraquat and a chemical called maneb significantly increased the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease later. Unfortunately, the study found that those exposed in their teen and young adult years could face up to a 600 percent greater risk depending on the number of years of exposure.

The second study found that those who lived by and worked in fields where the chemicals were applied between the mid-’70s and the late ’90s had a much greater risk and were diagnosed with PD at a younger age than others in the region.

A 2011 study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that farmers the mixed and applied paraquat had a 200 percent increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. If they had a particular genetic disposition, the risk went up even higher.

In 2017, researchers published a study in the journal Toxicological Sciences that found an association between people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and exposure to paraquat, especially if the patient had specific genetic characteristics. Study authors determined that exposure to paraquat could damage DNA and mitochondrial respiration.

What Happens When You File a Claim?

Once you submit your information for a free case evaluation, an attorney will determine if you have a claim. You and the attorney will determine how to move forward based on the specifics of your case, and your attorney will file documents with the court.

These documents make up your ‘complaint’ or lawsuit and detail the specific facts about your case, like how and when you were exposed to paraquat, diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and how the disease has impacted your life. It will also contain facts about the costs and expenses you have incurred.

Your complaint will also list the allegations being made against the manufacturers of paraquat, including that the makers:

  • Knew or should have known that exposure to paraquat could cause Parkinson’s disease, but
  • Failed to warn the government or the public about the risks associated with paraquat, and
  • Was negligent in the design, manufacturer, and marketing of the chemical, and
  • Failed to take reasonable action to protect paraquat users from harm.

How Much Will a Claim Cost?

Our firm is handling paraquat cases on a contingency fee basis only, which means that your attorney will take a percentage if you get a settlement or award. However, if you don’t get a settlement or award, then you pay nothing.

What Compensation Could You Be Entitled to Receive?

Your complaint would seek justice and compensation from paraquat manufacturers for injuries and damages you sustained due to your Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.

Some of the damages you may be entitled to receive include:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Therapy costs and expenses
  • Medication costs
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of expected wages or earning capacity
  • Pain, suffering, and mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of quality of life

We fight for the rights of the injured. We use every legal measure available to ensure our clients get the justice they deserve and the compensation they need for the injuries they suffered. If you developed Parkinson’s disease after exposure to paraquat, contact us now and learn more about how we can help.

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